School Newsletter: Week of August 22-28, 2022

From the desks of Mrs. Leluika & Mrs. Cusick

Important Dates:

August 22nd: A Day

August 22nd: RAP Meeting at 6:00pm at elementary school (RAP is our school PTO if you are new to ARS!)

August 23rd: Uniform Ordering closes for September delivery

August 24th: School Photo Day at 8:00am (see details below) Wear your blue polo

August 24th: Monthly Board Meeting 5:30pm in elementary school Donovan Cook Center (DCC)

August 25th: Town Hall Meeting 9:15am First ARP church Gryphon Hall (Fellowship Hall)

August 25th: 3rd Grade Beginning-of-Grade Test

September 15th: Curriculum Night... more information to come.

September 16th: Downtown Statesville Art Crawl: Student artwork will be displayed in elementary and middle school buildings!

October 12th: Photo retake/make-ups at 8:00am

October 14th-22nd: Book Fair...Save the date!

School Photo Day - Updated Date

Wednesday, August 24th starting at 8:00am

Students wear their BLUE POLO and khaki bottoms

Link for ordering:

This is a purchase without proof photo.

Photo retake/make-up day October 12 in elementary building starting at 8:00am

RAP (Renaissance Association of Parents) Corner:

1. Free Dress Friday is available for purchase on MyPaymentsPlus. Pay ahead now for the year for $40.00 or $1.00 each Friday.

2. RAP has extra blue polos available for purchase. Email if you would like to purchase one.

3. RAP informational meeting on August 22nd @ 6:00 pm at the Elementary school. Join us to learn about all the ways RAP supports our school and volunteer opportunities.

4. Ice Cream Fridays are now available for purchase in the school uniform site. Students will receive ice cream every Friday that school is in session for a full day. Cost is $40 per student and will start in mid-September.

5. Uniform Ordering is still open. This order period will close on August 23rd. We expect to have items ready for pick up in early September. Winter items and RAP wear designs have been added to the store.

Opt out of Media:

ARS features photos of students on our website, official social media channels, and in newsletters, in addition to other media.

If you DO NOT want photos, videos, or any other likenesses of your child to be used in ARS's materials, please take a moment to fill out the form to decline permission. Form Link: Click Here

If you consent to photographs, no action is necessary.


Lilianna Lopez

Alice Whitson

Ellis Harwell

Caliana Benitez

Wyatt Pidcock

Paisley Barnette

Hadleigh McNabb

Khaza Parson

Kaylee Jeffrey

Jaxson Rovira

Quinn Fortune

Eva Singelton

Summer Woolley

Layla Key

Melia Jones

Katie French

Sawyer Ewald


Brantley Reedy

Freya Ashworth

Claire Moore

Elli Threatte

Joaquim Chamberlain

Ayla O'Keefe

Silas Erasmus

Gideon Ferguson

Griffith Tan

Piper Eudy


Warren and Stephanie Dilger for unpacking and creating an inventory of our new ELA and Math resources!
Emily Keith, Freedom Church, and former ARS students on summer break for cleaning i-pads to prepare them for distribution to students!


PowerSchool and Canvas will be ready this week for parents to see grades, assignments, attendance, etc... Instructions to find the Canvas "Pairing Code" will be shared at that time.

Teachers will use Canvas to communicate homework assignments and other classroom news. We strongly recommend that parents set up their own accounts as Observers of their students.


Intermediate & Middle school students not picked up by 3:30 will be escorted to After School (4th grade to elementary building/5-8 to the middle school building) and a fee will be charged per student to the family at pick up

ALL families must use PikMyKid for dismissal. Please designate your child as a "Walker" or "Car Rider" before 2:30pm each day if you need to make a change

Parking: Please remember to park in public parking only for drop off and pick up. Please do not park at Pecan Park and walk through the Intermediate School carline during arrival or dismissal for safety reasons!

Arrival Times:

K-3 from 7:30am-7:45am (late bell 7:45am)

Grades 4-8 from 7:30am - 7:55am (late bell 7:55am)

Dismissal Times:

K-3 Begins at 2:45pm

4 - 6 Begins at 3:00pm

7 - 8 Begins at 3:15pm

"Back to School" Information

"Back to School" Information, Click below for Supply Lists by grade level:

Back to School Link to Website


Donations of ARS clothes that your student has out grown are greatly needed and appreciated.

ARS Amazon Wish List

Thank you to all our students who are following our Core Values of ARS EVERY day!

A for Academic Excellence,

R for Respect,

S for Safety,

I for Integrity,

S for Support.

Academic Excellence: Do your best 100% of the time.

Respect: Respect yourself, peers, staff, school, and community.

Safety: Keep yourself and others physically and emotionally safe.

Integrity: Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

Support: Find ways to help support your peers, school, and the local community.

Our Mission:

At American Renaissance School (ARS), our mission is to ensure a standard of academic excellence by providing a nurturing environment that allows each child to reach their fullest potential as students and citizens.

We greatly value the feedback of our parents and community. If you have a question or anything to share, please get in touch:


Originally posted by American Renaissance School via Locable
American Renaissance School

5.0 (5 Reviews)
American Renaissance School

132 E Broad St.
Statesville, NC 28677

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 7:30am- 3:30pm

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