2017-2018 EOG Testing Results

We're so proud of the outstanding achievement of our students and staff last school year! Preliminary EOG testing data is now available statewide, and our numbers look incredible. Our projected School Report Card grade based on this data is a B for 2017-2018, up by one letter grade compared to last year. Below are interactive graphs that show our students' outstanding achievement visually.

For the 2017-2018 school year, ARS exceeded the growth projections provided by the state!


On the reading test, our students outpaced the statewide average and improved compared to last year. Statewide, 57.3% of students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores. At ARS, 65.6% of our students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores.


On the math test, our students again outpaced the statewide average and improved compared to last year. Statewide, 56.1% of students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores. At ARS, 59% of our students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores.

Overall Proficiency

Overall, our students outpaced the statewide average and improved compared to last year. Statewide, 58.8% of students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores across Reading, Math, and Science. At ARS, 64.9% of our students in grades 3-8 received proficient scores across Reading, Math, and Science.


Student growth is measured based on a secret formula devised by EVAAS, a company contracted with the state of North Carolina to anaylze end-of-grade testing data. EVAAS assigns each student a projected growth number based on their entire testing history. For example, EVAAS may say that a student is expected to improve their scores by 5% based on prior tests. If that student meets or exceeds their expected growth, they are included in the "Met or Exceeded Growth" metric. Growth is a better overall indicator of a school's effectiveness; although a student may not receive a proficient score, they may still meet or exceed their expected growth number. This shows that while the student may be behind their peers, they still improved over the course of the school year.

At ARS, 90.7% of our students met or exceeded their overall growth projections across the Reading, Math, and Science tests. 82.2% of our students met or exceeded their growth projection on the Reading test, and 93.4% of our students met or exceeded their growth projection on the Math test. This means that overall, 359 out of our 370 3rd-8th grade students met or exceeded their projected growth! We are extremely proud of the hard work our students and teachers put in last year to reach these impressive statistics.

Originally posted by American Renaissance School via Locable
American Renaissance School

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American Renaissance School

132 E Broad St.
Statesville, NC 28677

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 7:30am- 3:30pm

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