Introducing MyPaymentsPlus

We're excited to continue using MyPaymentsPlus, our online ordering, sign-up, and payment platform. It is open for new parent registrations, and logins for returning parents have not changed. Log in today to pay your 2019-2020 fees, order lunch for August, sign up for afterschool or field trips, and fill out your open house paperwork! We will continue utilizing MyPaymentsPlus for all school payments and sign-ups this year, which will eliminate forgotten paper permission slips, checks, or cash. Please remember that we do not accept cash or checks at school; all payments must be submitted via MyPaymentsPlus by using an eCheck or a credit / debit card. There are NO FEES to parents in MyPaymentsPlus. Please contact the school office if you do not have a bank account or credit/debit card at all so we can assist you.

Registering for MyPaymentsPlus

Signing up for MyPaymentsPlus is easy! All you need is Internet access on a computer, tablet, or smartphone and your student's PowerSchool ID number. Your student's PowerSchool ID number will be emailed to you, or you can call or email the school to get the number.

To sign up, visit and click the orange "Register Now" button on the left. Select the state and our school, then enter your personal information. The system will then ask if you are a parent or a staff member; select the appropriate option(s), then click "Next" to link your student(s) to your account. For each student you wish to link to your account, enter their PowerSchool ID number and last name. Please note that the last name must be entered exactly as it appears in PowerSchool, including any hyphens or special characters. In split households, a student may be linked to more than one parent account.

Using MyPaymentsPlus

Once you have registered your account and linked students, you will be directed to the "Make a Payment" screen. This screen lists all fees and activities that are currently available for you and your student(s).

Each activity or item will be listed underneath a category title in a grey box. Click the category title to expand it and see the items that are available. You can check off as many items as you wish, and you can order items for all of your students at the same time. If you have multiple students, please be sure to check for their name at the top of the list of items; each student will have their own list. You can click the "Details" button next to any item to learn more about it and find out who to contact if you have questions.

Once you've checked all the items you'd like to order, click the "Continue Payment" button at the bottom. Some activities may require you to complete a related form; for example, the technology fee will require you to sign off on the school technology policies, and any field trip will require you to fill out a permission form. Any forms will pop up automatically after clicking "Continue Payment." Once any required forms have been submitted, you will be taken to the payment screen. You can choose to pay with an eCheck from a checking or savings account or enter a credit/debit card number. You can optionally save this payment information to your profile; this data is kept secure and your payment method will never be charged without your approval. Remember that there are NO FEES when making payments in this system.

If you forgot to link a student or need to un-link a student, click "Manage Account" on the left side, then choose "Manage Students." From here, you can add or remove students from your account.

If you need to retrieve a receipt or can't recall if you've signed up for a particular activity, click "View History" on the left side to see a list of payments made in the system.

Lunch Ordering

Lunch has its own category in MyPaymentsPlus, and underneath that is a category for each month. As soon as orders open for a particular month, it will appear in your account as an option. With our lunch vendor this year, there are multiple menu options per day. While you are certainly welcome to order more than one lunch for your student, be careful as you check off which lunches you want to order to avoid accidentally doubling up on a day or missing a day. Each menu item will display the numerical date, day of the week, and finally the entree name. You can click "show details" to see what sides are being served with the entree that day.

If your family has previously participated in our free or reduced lunch program, you have been automatically signed up this year. The prices for each lunch will display as either free or reduced as appropriate. If you are eligible for free lunch, please be sure to log in and place your order each month by checking off the menu items you wish to order and completing the order by clicking "Continue Payment" at the bottom. If the total balance in your cart is $0.00, you will not be asked for payment information; however, you must complete the ordering process.

You may not see certain days listed depending on your student's grade level. If a particular grade level will not be at school due to a field trip or other activity, lunch service may not be available on that day for those students. If you know your student will be participating in an off-campus activity that does not include lunch, please be sure to send a lunch from home with your student that morning.

Lunch orders for August 2019 must be placed no later than Tuesday, August 13th at noon!

Before & After School

To sign up for Before & After School this year, you will need to complete the paper enrollment forms and turn them in to the school office. You will also need to pay the $25 deposit on MyPaymentsPlus under the Before & After School Care category. Once you have submitted the paper forms and paid the deposit, charges for care throughout the year will be added to your MyPaymentsPlus account as a fee. You will receive an email when fees are added, and you will receive email reminders about due dates as applicable.

Technology Fees

The K-8 technology fee remains at $50 this year. This fee covers the maintenance, repair, and purchase of technology used by all of our students. This will be automatically selected for you when you log in to MyPaymentsPlus. When checking out, you will be required to read and sign the Network Required Use Policy. If your student is in grades 4-8, you will also be required to read and sign the 1:1 Device Agreement. Neither of these forms will be provided on paper this year.

In the event that your student accidentally damages their assigned device, the technology repair fee remains at $50 per incident this year. This will be added to your account when necessary, and you will receive an email from the system when a fee is added to your student's account. Please note that this fee is charged for each incident.

Pre-Pay for Free Dress Fridays

This year, every Friday that school is in session will be a free dress day. Please note that free dress will only occur on Fridays. You can continue to send in $1 cash on Fridays, or you can choose to prepay for the year in MyPaymentsPlus for $30. Students participating in Free Dress Fridays should be sure their chosen outfit is school appropriate: shorts/skirts within 2" of the knee, no vulgar phrases or images, and all clothing should be free of holes.

Fees from Last Year

If your student received a bill with their report card at the end of the 2018-2019 school year, and we have not yet received payment, this has been added as a fee to your MyPaymentsPlus account. Please contact the school if you believe a fee has been charged in error. Unpaid fees may result in your student not being issued an iPad or laptop to take home.


If you have any problems registering for the system or making payments, please contact MyPaymentsPlus Parent Support first. They can be reached via phone at 1-877-237-0946, email at, or live chat after clicking the "Need Help?" button in the parent portal. Their support department is open Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm. If MyPaymentsPlus Support is unable to help you, please call the school office or email

Originally posted by American Renaissance School via Locable
American Renaissance School

5.0 (5 Reviews)
American Renaissance School

132 E Broad St.
Statesville, NC 28677

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 7:30am- 3:30pm

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